Tuesday, July 1, 2008

Zoo Trip

The kids and I headed out to the zoo on Monday with my BFF Nicholle and her little friend, Gracie.
We had so much fun seeing all of the animals.

So I'll start with introducing the crew that went. :D
Me and the kids hanging out with the giant fake turtle....

Sam and Micah by the duck pond that was infused with flamingos.
Micah, Sam and Gracie checking out some tropical stuff...

Mr. Levi having FUN!

Micah, Mari, Gracie and Sam...

(Mari was our guide and a patient of Nicholles. She did so great explaining all of the animals to the kids. She works there and sacrificed a day off to hang with us.)

Auntie Cholle and the kids with the ginormous turtle.

Runt Tiger who's mama died and now she'll be small For EV Er!

Sam LOVED these guys. The baby will be leaving soon, to go to another zoo.

Can't remember her name, but she looks so regal just like... "yeah look all you want... subjects...."

And the glare almost drowns out the male lion, but we still got him.

Sparky the Sea Lion (Sams Favorite)

...and Max the Seal

There's also a huge atrium there where there were oodles of plants. Obviously my camera batteries were going out but I'll snap more shots when we go back. And we will go back... its free. :D

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