Okay, so I have a long ass rant... I'm not sure where to start....
Ya'll know my frustrations with this damn house not being worked on right? I said my house wasn't even on the stove let alone the back burner... Frustration abounds, I get pissed... yadda yadda.
Today I find out something interesting... apprently my house being taken off the stove.. .has its reasons. God was totally guiding us on this one.
My entire neighborhood, block area is being demolished for a new commercial building area. Hotel, Medical buildings, business buildings, parking ramps and the like. Bids for contractors will start taking place in November and more than likely work will start next spring.
I'm moving again.
I hadnt' planned on that...
I hadn't expected to be kicked out of my house and get what they decide to give us for $$$ on this house.
I'm sooooo happy we haven't done a damn thing on the place but a bit of demo... THANK GOD WE HAVEN"T!!!!! We would have never been able to flip it. Our work would have been in vain and it would have all gotten torn down anyway, no matter how nice it was.
Seriously just kind of wandering in my thoughts here but knew it would make me feel better to get it all out.
Wow... just wow... I can't believe this.
I guess I should go back out to the garage and prepare for another move. Maybe I can be a bit more organized this time and realize it all doesn't need to go again... that I need to get rid of stuff.
Wow I'm a packrat. 

thanks for listening...
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