So Tim has a new website up where he's selling the stuff he's buying at wholesale for a few bucks above that. So we cover our shipping charge, the cost of the piece and make about 20 bucks off whatever he's selling. This week its faucets.... *insert eye roll here* Now granted. I'm okay with him making a bit of money on the side, NOTHING wrong with that. However I get slightly annoyed when my house takes a backseat... hell not even a back seat... it ain't even in the damn vehicle
My Kitchen.... Full of Tim's "merchandise
I'm working full time; well almost full time. In approximatly 10 days I'll be going to part time of 24 hours a week. Two back to back 12 hour shifts. Which I will gladly do, just so I can keep up in my housework! ARGHH!!!!
This video sums it all up! Men can NOT multi task
So I was mad today... Here are the before, during, and after pictures of what I accomplished during my madAt least what got broken needed to get broken and I'm not pissed I broke it. *grin*

1 comment:
NICE!!!! You even have more for the next needed venting time :)
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