Thursday, May 22, 2008


I can just see them practicing...

"En Guard! Ha ha!"

"That damn Chef won't stand a chance against us now! He won't even get through the first verse!"

'Les poissons, les poissons How I love les poissons Love to chop and to serve little fish"

Chameleon Gnomes

Chameleon Gnomes
They exsist. I swear to you.

Have you ever looked for something? You look and look and look and look and can't find whatever it is... and then you look where you first looked and low and behold it's there... This is the work of the evil chameleon gnome.

They get their jollies off making us crazy. They stand in front of or on top of whatever it is we're looking for and then blend into their surroudings completely obscuring whatever it is you're looking for.

True story.

Tuesday, May 20, 2008

Me and my Boys

Yeah, I'm kinda scary without makeup, but I couldn't resist asking Tim to take a shot of me and my boys.

Visit with the Fam and Friends

Last week we headed over and hung with Carol and her kids got some great shots.

Carol and her Sasy new haircut! I'm so jealous! I need a new do!

Roman and Levi are almost the same size, except Levi is a bit longer. Such Cutie Patooties...

Havyn, as adorable as ever!

Cousin Lovin'

I'm so glad we live close so we can get together and the kids can be close.

Later that evening we headed over to see Gobind and his family, of which we haven't visited in over 2 years. It was great to see Tim catch up with his friends.

Uncle Gobind helping out with the bottle.

Simran, snuck him out of Gobinds arms... he didn't know she was holding him or believe me he would have put up quite an objection.

Uncle Gobind thought it would be cool to feed him frosting...

Our little adventure last night.

So Samie had 2 really loose teeth. She wiggled and wiggled and right before bed I asked her if htey were ready to come out. She said no and off to bed she went. A few minutes later, she comes back out saying she can't close her mouth because it hurts her teeth. Hmmmm... I ask her if she wants me to pull them...
"Will it hurt?"
What kind of question is that? YEAH!
So she decides to call Grandma and have her talk her through it (and bribe her), like she did the first loss of toothage. :D... so she dials Grandma and learns that if she is brave and pulls her teeth, Grandma will send her 2 bucks a tooth. (ripoff! I got like a buck, if I was lucky!) So she tells me that "mama... you HAVE to do it!"
Slipperly little buggers didn't come easily, but after wedging my fingernail under them, they came out, one at a time.
Long story short, oh wait, too late for that... hee hee.. Mom is sending the brave little stinker 4 bucks AND the tooth fairy dropped a 5 dollar bill last night.
Little brat is making out like a bandit. She's going to take a stupid hammer to her teeth next.

Monday, May 12, 2008

Quick Update with pics and Tim's Website

So Tim's got his own website now folks. If you need fixtures or..... other ....stuff...??? Go here. :D

and now on to the photos.....

You have NO idea how proud I am.

Pfffft on YOU!

We've lost our first tooth!!!

Who knew a stick horse could be ridden double?

Thursday, May 1, 2008

My Annoyance

So Tim has a new website up where he's selling the stuff he's buying at wholesale for a few bucks above that. So we cover our shipping charge, the cost of the piece and make about 20 bucks off whatever he's selling. This week its faucets.... *insert eye roll here* Now granted. I'm okay with him making a bit of money on the side, NOTHING wrong with that. However I get slightly annoyed when my house takes a backseat... hell not even a back seat... it ain't even in the damn vehicle

My Kitchen.... Full of Tim's "merchandise

I'm working full time; well almost full time. In approximatly 10 days I'll be going to part time of 24 hours a week. Two back to back 12 hour shifts. Which I will gladly do, just so I can keep up in my housework! ARGHH!!!!
This video sums it all up! Men can NOT multi task
So I was mad today... Here are the before, during, and after pictures of what I accomplished during my madAt least what got broken needed to get broken and I'm not pissed I broke it. *grin*