I can just see them practicing...
"En Guard! Ha ha!"

"That damn Chef won't stand a chance against us now! He won't even get through the first verse!"
'Les poissons, les poissons How I love les poissons Love to chop and to serve little fish"

Keeping up with the family, for our family and friends far away...or even close by.
Carol and her Sasy new haircut! I'm so jealous! I need a new do!
Roman and Levi are almost the same size, except Levi is a bit longer. Such Cutie Patooties...
Havyn, as adorable as ever!
Cousin Lovin'
I'm so glad we live close so we can get together and the kids can be close.
Uncle Gobind helping out with the bottle.
Simran, snuck him out of Gobinds arms... he didn't know she was holding him or believe me he would have put up quite an objection.
Uncle Gobind thought it would be cool to feed him frosting...
You have NO idea how proud I am.
We've lost our first tooth!!!