Wednesday, December 5, 2007

Updated pictures.

Well, the flu has hit. Micah got horribly sick Sunday night and Tim ended up staying home to help me out on Monday. I was SOO grateful!

Sam starting getting sick Tuesday, but it didn't hit, in full force, until right before dinner. She wasn't nearly as sick as Micah, so hopefully the airborne I was giving her, helped out a bit.

Today is Wednesday and so far nobody is sick. Thank God! I just keep praying that Levi doesn't come down with it. I kept him away from the others and disinfected everything as much as I could, but I know there was a few times I didn't get my hands washed inbetween kids. Dangit.

I'm getting Christmas presents done. Even though I feel like I'm behind. It is only the 5th of December. I've got a few days left.

We have an offer in on our house that closes on January 30th, so we're back and forth to the cities on the weekends to look for a new abode. One that needs work of course. I have been utterly beside myself not being in construction for the past year. (insert eyeroll here) Oh well, it's a means to an end... that is my mantra. And YAY! I get to move in the middle of winter!!! WOO HOO! grrrrr. It's a means to and end....

Alright. I think that's it for the updates for now. Here are some updated pictures of the kids. Enjoy!

Sam's such a great big sister! I'd be LOST without her!

Levi fell asleep watching TV.

These are some pictures I snapped just this morning. I can finally see the change everybody else is talking about. When I see him day after day it's never a huge difference. But these are definately showing him filling out. And learning new facial expressions!

We recently watched Zoolander... I think my son has a future in modeling. Tee hee.

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