Friday, December 28, 2007

Christmas '07

Christmas was a blast this year. We headed up to the cities to hang out with Tim's family. We got up there way early though, so we headed to Southdale and hung out. The kids posed for me in the upper level of Santa's workshop, we didn't want to stand in line, so standing ABOVE Santa worked. :D

Rachel and Charlie let us invade them this year. With pet allergies and stuff some, of the fam has, it was awesome to be able to get together and not have to worry.

There was certainly no lack of people wanting to hang out with Levi.

JJ and Connor Best Buds!!!

Rockstar was a big hit this year. Everybody took turns playing on guitar and singing.

And sometimes Bethie would let other people play the drums...

... especially when she was obsessing with her camera

This is Serious Business Folks.

Havyn had enough of Rockstar so she decided to take piano lessons from Uncle Tim...

Carol is about ready to pop. She looks absolutely fabulous!

Samanthan and Joelle were inseperable... what else is new!

Everybody had a great time and we can't wait to get together at the next family event!!!

Thursday, December 20, 2007

Shaggy Daddy and the Baby

I'm experimenting and having Tim grow out a little bit of a beard. :D That way I can trim and sculpt it. Anyway, here's some pictures from last night.

Levi had his 2 month check-up yesterday. He's gained 4 pounds 5 ounces! and two inches in length. I knew I wasn't crazy, he is getting to be a big boy!

Wednesday, December 12, 2007

Real Estate Woes

So I have a new Theme Song: Miranda Lambert: Gunpowder and Lead... not because anybody has knocked me around or anything, just because I'm honestly in the mood to kick some ass. Why you ask? Well let me 'splain. I posted this yesterday on my other blog. You'll see my... irateness...

OMG! I am so frickin pissed! Okay, so I just got a call from the title company doing the paperwork for the sale of our house. They need an abstract title for out house (whatever that it, it's not my department) soon, because they need to finish the paperwork blah blah blah for my sale. Great! GRAND WONDERFUL! This means everything is going through. But here's the kicker. They're NOW telling me that they need it ASAP because the close date is January 4th... are you kidding me?
When we countered the very first offer we said we could NOT move until the END of January. I did not want to have to pack during the holidays and try to find a house before the end of January. So I'm thinking okay so they just have some improper paperwork or somesuch.... I get a call from my realtor, who says the title company tells them I have some concerns about my close date which is the 4th.... okay what part of I"m not moving until the end of January do you not get. I tell said real estate agent (grrrrr thats a nice name for them) that I spoke to the owner, of whom I had signed all of the counters, that the close date HAD to be the end of January. He wasn't happy that he had to "sell" that close date but I told him that was what he was getting paid for. Now Tom, my agent, is saying none of the paperwork I signed has the 30th close date on it.
This isn't the first time they've lost something we've said. Before, it was; I had asked if the offer was contingent on anything... oh no, don't worry, nothing is contingent on anything in this offer. Unless of course they can't get fianacing. Then after I have 3 kids screaming at me I trust that the agent who is representing ME is trustworthy, so I sign where he says sign and where he interpreted agent speak into blah blah blah. THEN They tell us there is a contingency on the inspection!!!!!! I'm so frickin pissed at this, I'm so ready for this stuff to be over. I'm going to going effing postal on that realty place. ARGGGGGGGGGGGGGG
As you can see things are not going as well as we'd hoped. Today I'm somewhat calmer, but I'm screening my phone calls. After going ballistic on one of the realtors yesterday, then scaring small children with a look, I decided it was best. Hopefully things are going to be worked out. Tim is up in the cities for the rest of the week to hopefully find us a new cozy abode. By Cozy Abode I mean another piece of rubble that we'll make into something spectacular. Oh I love construction (insert eye roll here). It's a means to an end. This I know because I'll kill him if we do to many more. I've heard that if a marriage can survive a remodel, it can survive anything. Apparently I'm stuck with him forever. :D I guess I'm okay with that. HA!

Holiday Eating Tips

These absolutely cracked me up!


1. Avoid carrot sticks. Anyone who puts carrots on a holiday buffet table knows nothing of the Christmas spirit. In fact, if you see carrots, leave immediately. Go next door, where they're serving rum balls.

2. Drink as much eggnog as you can. And quickly. It's rare. You can't find it any other time of year but now. So drink up! Who cares that it has 10,000 calories in every sip? It's not as if you're going to turn into an eggnog-alcoholic or something. It's a treat. Enjoy it. Have one for me. Have two. It's later than you think. It's Christmas!

3. If something comes with gravy, use it. That's the whole point of gravy. Gravy does not stand alone. Pour it on. Make a volcano out of your mashed potatoes. Fill it with gravy. Eat the volcano. Repeat step #3.

4. As for mashed potatoes, always ask if they're made with skim milk or whole milk. If it's skim, pass. Why bother? It's like buying a sports car with an automatic transmission.

5. Do not have a snack before going to a party in an effort to control your eating. The whole point of going to a Christmas party is to eat other people's food for free. Lots of it. Hello!?!?!?

6. Under no circumstances should you exercise between now and New Year's. You can do that in January when you have nothing else to do. This is the time for long naps, which you'll need after circling the buffet table while carrying a 10-pound plate of food and that vat of eggnog.

7. If you come across something really good at a buffet table, like frosted Christmas cookies in the shape and size of Santa, position yourself near them and don't budge. Have as many as you can before becoming the center of attention. They're like a beautiful pair of shoes. If you leave them behind, you're never going to see them again.

8. Same for pies. Apple. Pumpkin. Mincemeat. Have a slice of each. Or if you don't like mincemeat, have two apples and one pumpkin. Always have three. When else do you get to have more than one dessert? Labor Day?

9. Did someone mention fruitcake? Granted, it's loaded with the mandatory celebratory calories, but avoid it at all cost. I mean, have some standards.

10. One final tip: If you don't feel terrible when you leave the party or get up from the table, you haven't been paying attention. Re-read tips; start over, but hurry, January is just around the corner. Remember this motto to live by: 'Life should NOT be a journey to the grave with the intention of arriving safely in an attractive and well preserved body, but rather to skid in sideways, chocolate in one hand, body thoroughly used up, totally worn out and screaming 'WOO HOO what a ride!'

Have A Spectacular Holiday Season!!!

Monday, December 10, 2007


We headed up to the cities this past weekend. I got sick so we came home early. I got to do some clothes shopping from a wonderful gift from my mother-in-law. I usually hate clothes shopping but I got some really nice things. My favorite thing that I bought, however, was a strand of pearls. I work for a family owned and operated jewlery store, so it wasn't full price, by any means. They're beautiful. I'm sure not many people have "Chocolate" colored pearls.

Levi was showing off his smiles this weekend. I was able to get a couple a few shots of this cuteness~

Wednesday, December 5, 2007

Updated pictures.

Well, the flu has hit. Micah got horribly sick Sunday night and Tim ended up staying home to help me out on Monday. I was SOO grateful!

Sam starting getting sick Tuesday, but it didn't hit, in full force, until right before dinner. She wasn't nearly as sick as Micah, so hopefully the airborne I was giving her, helped out a bit.

Today is Wednesday and so far nobody is sick. Thank God! I just keep praying that Levi doesn't come down with it. I kept him away from the others and disinfected everything as much as I could, but I know there was a few times I didn't get my hands washed inbetween kids. Dangit.

I'm getting Christmas presents done. Even though I feel like I'm behind. It is only the 5th of December. I've got a few days left.

We have an offer in on our house that closes on January 30th, so we're back and forth to the cities on the weekends to look for a new abode. One that needs work of course. I have been utterly beside myself not being in construction for the past year. (insert eyeroll here) Oh well, it's a means to an end... that is my mantra. And YAY! I get to move in the middle of winter!!! WOO HOO! grrrrr. It's a means to and end....

Alright. I think that's it for the updates for now. Here are some updated pictures of the kids. Enjoy!

Sam's such a great big sister! I'd be LOST without her!

Levi fell asleep watching TV.

These are some pictures I snapped just this morning. I can finally see the change everybody else is talking about. When I see him day after day it's never a huge difference. But these are definately showing him filling out. And learning new facial expressions!

We recently watched Zoolander... I think my son has a future in modeling. Tee hee.