I've already learned a few things with this garden. It's nothing like I expected. I had hoped, that by now, I'd have some growth on my plants. *wrong*
On the little pellet thingy's I started the plants in, it said it was unecessary to take the filmy stuff off as the roots would grown right through. *wrong* I pulled out a couple of my green beans and noticed that the root system was still incased in the stupid little things. I then proceeded to uproot everything I had started in the house (green beans, green peppers, cucumbers, jalapenos, cabbage, and zucchini) and peel off the little casings.
I hope to see some progress in the growing aspect this week as its supposed to be warm and sunny. I just have to make sure I keep up with the watering.
My green beans on the left and zucchini on the right.

Here are my peas I started right in the garden from seed. I think they're the most hardy of the whole bunch.

This is a good shot of the whole garden and you can see my pretty tomato plants I picked up athe farmers market last saturday.
That's all on the garden for now so I thought I'd add a few more pics of the Mother's Day weekend of which I got to spend with Mom and Dad. It rocked.
Here are my peas I started right in the garden from seed. I think they're the most hardy of the whole bunch.
This is a good shot of the whole garden and you can see my pretty tomato plants I picked up athe farmers market last saturday.
Lastly (for now) I've learned that this tool is invaluable, its a two headed Hoe/pick thingy. It's just the right size to use not only as what it was meant for. (weeding and cultivating) but its perfect to use as a walking stick in the garden. As you see in the pic above I've got little stepping stones, but my larger feet dont' exactly balence real well on them. This thing saved me from stepping off in the mud a few times today. ;)
This is the hummingbird feeder I got for her, (I got myself one too as you can see by the pic, obviously this isn't the one I got her, it's being shipped to Oregon.)

This was a cute little Johnny Jump up that I saved and planted in a pot for Sam. She's thrilled she has her own potted plant for outside.

I on the other hand, am thrilled with my pretty red Gerbera Daisy that was my gift from my Mom. :)
I also sent this windchime with it, obviously I got myself one too. :D
This was a cute little Johnny Jump up that I saved and planted in a pot for Sam. She's thrilled she has her own potted plant for outside.
I on the other hand, am thrilled with my pretty red Gerbera Daisy that was my gift from my Mom. :)
This is a shot of the table right now. The pink Gerbera is for Beth, my Sister In Law, a gift from my Mom also.

Here's some of the stuff I have out front of my house, my Mother's day from Tim. All pretty new plants to accent the not so pretty house.

Here's some of the stuff I have out front of my house, my Mother's day from Tim. All pretty new plants to accent the not so pretty house.
Colius (sp) and some sort of Dragawhatchamacallit grass for the center. When they fill in it'll be beautiful.
Here's a shot of the two larger planters and my birdbath, which I transfored from a fountain and with a little silacone made a nice bath for the birdies that I don't have to plug in. :)