Friday, June 27, 2008
New Cakes...
Saturday, June 21, 2008
Pigs and Badgers

As if this wasn't good enough, he didn't kill it. It is wounded and head back into its hole. My dad is notorious for shooting things in the ass, so I'm sure that where he hit it. Unfortunately, if there's something worse than a badger, its an injured badger, so dad sneaks up to the hole, and waits.... and waits.... and waits.... nothing. So my dad, being the resourceful man that he is, pours diesel down the hole and lights it. So if the damn badger didn't die from a gunshot wound in the ass, he died of smoke inhilation....
Crazy morning....
But this wasn't my first laugh this morning. I get up and pour myself some yummy coffee, using my new Tiramasu creamer (yes! Tiramasu! SHUT UP!) and I check out my window. I notice my neighbors, of whom I swear are Greeks...
are up and awake...
The reason I think they're Greek, obviously you've seen the movie "My Big Fat Greek Wedding"

The dad uses Windex for everything right? My neighbors CONSTANTLY clean their minivan with windex... Whatever right? (my neighbor even LOOKS like him!)

Remember the scene where they're roasting the pig outsite their house when they meet whatsherfaces's soon to be inlaws.... yeah...
Yeah, my neighbors got one of those too...
All in all... an eventful morning.... Now I'm off to decorate cakes...
Friday, June 20, 2008
FINALLY~ We Get To Play In The Pool
Happy he was.... happy he is!
He had SO much fun watching the kids play in the pool.
Friday, June 13, 2008
Cake Project
She asked me to put together a cake for the runners/walkers, and this is what I came up with. 6 cakes total and 8 batches of frosting...
The finished product. I'm not as pleased as I should be with the layout. I'll work on that next time I do something this big.
Newest pics.
Friday, June 6, 2008
Blue Eyes
Blue Eyes
Nothing but blue eyes
Do I see
Baby Singing a song
Nothing but babies
All day long
Never saw the sun shining so bright
Never saw things going so right
Noticing the days hurrying by
When youre in love, my how they fly
Thursday, June 5, 2008
My "wildlife"
SERIOUSLY large amounts of wildlife. However, now that I live in the city, I take what I can get.
Webbie and Thumper
Webbie the Widow Duck
Alright, so I'm now a birdwatcher and so ecstatic that I have ducks coming to my yard. I also have cardinals, chipmunks, squirrels, rabbits and annoying black tom cat. Oh well, I'll take what I can get until I get my country place once again.
I must say though, it makes me horribly homesick to think that I used to have those large wildlife creatures coming right up to my back door..... sometimes wish I could just move home.
More Construction... or Deconstruction?
Okay, so we're finally doing some stuff on our house... at least we got started, however when it gets finished, is up in the air.
Here's looking into the dining room from the kitchen now.
Once again... Before:
The kids are having fun helping...