Well, lots of exciting things happening this week. Unfortunately, none of them to do with Levi. HA! I thought I was in labor last week, so Susan, my mother -in-law came down and picked up the other two. Nothing transpired, so on Saturday we got the kids back. It was wonderful having a little break from them, before the new baby comes. Now if he'd just come it'd be even MORE wonderful!
My parents are flying in this evening. Tim is going to pick them up late tonight. We're so very excited. We haven't seen them since June of 2006 and we get them until November the 3rd. YAY!
Tim took off work for the past few days, since last Wednesday to be exact. Since I was having contractions regularly. Now everything has stopped and with my parents being in town, he can go back to work.
He's been keeping busy, I'm getting pull out drawers in two of my larger cabinets, for pots and pans and the like. Easy access. Gotta love it! Something to keep him busy anyway, so he's not playing video games every waking moment. haha!
I'm so lucky they love one another and get along.
Since I've got this big ol' belly.....

..... it's kinda difficult to do laundry, unless I sit on the floor. So I recruit help. Mostly I don't have to bribe, but if I do, I generally have fresh cookies available. hahaha!